My Sweet Marie


Posted on: November 21, 2016

This is a recipe that should have been posted 2 months ago. It’s a canning recipe for tomatoes which has been passed down for generations in my family. My mother made this every year for as far back as I can remember. The last time she made it, I had to help her and this year I made it on my own as Mom was in Hospice. I was really worried that I had missed the boat on this one. I would visit M0m 2-3 times a week as I am a 2 hour drive from Leamington.  So in September I went to see her but on this particular day she was out all day. I was very afraid that I had missed the boat on the recipe and that it would die with her! I am happy to report that on my next visit she was as alert as one could be, phew! She gave me full instructions and  I stopped on my way home, got a bushel and made them the next day!

So Zoom is a blend of tomatoes and other veggies used to make soup. The idea is you add 1 jar of zoom, to some chicken broth, toss in some leftover meat (chicken, roast etc) and whatever you have in the fridge and zoom you have soup! it is very clever and is also very good in Spaghetti sauce, chili and stews! Here’s what you need:


  • 1 bushel of tomatoes
  • 3 large Spanish onions diced or slice ( more if you want or less)
  • 1/2 celery minced
  • 2-5 lbs of carrots diced small ( or more or less to your liking)
  • bay leaf ( 1 per jar)
  • basil for seasoning
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1.  Have your tomatoes washed and peeled. (dip them in boiling water and drop in an ice bath, peels will fall off!)
  2. Place in a large canner or stock pot.
  3. Toss in all the prepared veggies.
  4. Boil till well stewed. Season to taste.
  5. Have your jars sterile and waiting patiently for the yumminess. Keep them warm!
  6. Fill the jars to the rim. Be sure the rim is clean, wipe it if needed.
  7. Seal with sterile seals and lids.
  8. At this point, you can do the water bath but not necessary if you’ve boiled the heck out of your tomatoes and boiled the seals as well, and you’ve used sterile jars.
  9. I will post a separate recipe for Zoom soup right away!





4 Responses to "Zoom"

This looks like something good to have a hand — a nice soup starter. So glad your mom was able to give you the directions.

Me too. She had so many recipes, I scrambled in the last few months. She lives on in my kitchen…miss her dearly.

My mom passed five years ago and her memory still visits me in my kitchen. I think those of us entrusted with our mother’s recipes are blessed.

So true! Life must go on…as do the recipes!

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